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Social Media
No matter if you own a multi-billion dollar company or a small, local mom and pop business, your business might still get a bad review every now and then. That’s why we wanted to share how to deal beat bad online reviews to help your business thrive in today’s cruel world. Nowadays it seems as if everyone including your grandparents uses some type of social media platform out there. This makes it a great opportunity for businesses everywhere to create a positive image for themselves with a few words and clicks. In this article, the KDH Digital Services team will show you what you can do to encourage consumers to write positive reviews, how to beat negative online reviews and more.

Why Do Online Reviews Exist & Why Are They Important?

Online reviews exist to help searchers determine whether or not a product or service is right for them. In short, review forums are meant to show potential clients how likely they are to enjoy a product or service. As for why online reviews are important, online reviews can help others find the best products and services in the market. They can also help buyers gather plenty of intel on quality, customer service, and prices. In 2017, 93% of customers said online reviews impacted their purchasing decisions.

The Best Online Review Platforms

Online Review Listings on Google My Business There are hundreds and thousands of online review platforms around the world, but which ones are the best to worry about? Here’s a quick list and description of the top platforms to list your business:


Known for being the largest search engine in the world, Google is our preferred online spot to focus on reviews. This online superpower is sure to help small businesses across the globe get on the map and expand. Here are some key features to look for on Google’s Platform:
  1. Google My Business
  2. Map Features
  3. Answering Important Business Questions
  4. Product Information
  5. Business Posts
  6. Images


Another popular review site that has grown much over the last 10 years. Yelp serves as a business directory that allows business users to order food and gain traction. Here are some key features to look for on Yelp’s Platform:
  1. Request a Quote
  2. Bookmark Collections
  3. Yelp Reservations
  4. Cash Back
  5. Ordering Food


Facebook’s social media strength is hard to ignore. Due to its high popularity, users on Facebook will usually respond at faster rates than both Google and Yelp. Users also tend to expect faster responses from companies, making it one of the best places to showcase great customer service. Here are some key features to look for on Facebook’s Platform:
  1. Answering Important Business Questions
  2. Product Information
  3. Business Posts
  4. Images & Video
  5. Creating Events
  6. Recommendations

How To Beat Bad Online Reviews

Beat Bad Online Reviews The only bad side of having a business account on social media is the possibility of receiving negative feedback. But don’t fear, negative feedback allows you to grow as long as you take it the right way.

Paying Close Attention To Customer Reviews

Before even thinking about responding to any review, you must examine every individual review from a neutral perspective. That means setting aside your reality and evaluating the review honestly.

Learning From Customer Reviews

Negative reviews can sometimes be a clear indication of issues that need to be addressed within your business structure. Although some complaints may be quick fixes, be on the lookout for recurring complaints. You wouldn’t want to lose business because of the same thing. There are hundreds of people around the Central Texas area that check out 3rd party reviews before making a final decision.

Respond To Negative Reviews The Right Way

The best way to respond to an upsetting review is by acknowledging the customer and addressing what you are doing to fix the problem. Ignoring a review can upset the customer even further and generate a feeling of neglect and carelessness. Instead, try responding as soon as possible with the best response possible. Here’s an example of a proper response to a negative review: “Hey Bill, sorry for the inconvenience. We are now offering booster seats for children for the next time you visit!” Make sure to keep every response polite, otherwise, you’ll receive more backlash in the future. This also shows others who visit the review site that your company actually fixes problems instead of masking them.

Ask For Feedback

Asking an upset customer what you can do to fix the problem is a great way to let the customer feel heard. Of course, always make sure that you limit what suggestions you pay attention to (there are occasional complaints that don’t matter as much as others).

Final Thoughts

Online reputation will forever be important in this lifetime. In most cases, more great reviews mean more business. If you need help managing your online reviews, contact us today for a free quote. Our digital experts are ready to put the best small business practices for you. How have you tried to increase the number of your online reviews? Which review site do you trust most? Which review sites work the best for you? Have you ever received an online review that changed your business structure? We want to know your thoughts on the matter!

Pay Per Click
In today’s world of digital marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most sought after marketing strategies. The sad truth is that many ad campaigns fail due to the lack of knowledge and experience. You don’t necessarily spend thousands of money to find what works, you just have to identify what doesn’t work. The following article uncovers some of the leading causes (no specific order) why many Pay Per Click Campaigns Fail.

Not Understanding Your Audience

No matter if you’re advertising household products or anything else, your audience will change depending on the product. Understanding who your audience is can help you tailor your content and target the right people. Adwords beginners tend to commit the common mistake of wanting to reach the highest number of people possible. Although you might be able to get more people to learn about your brand, it isn’t always the smartest move. Ad campaigns can be customized to show to a relevant audience, raising your chances of landing better conversion rates.

Not Introducing Your New Products or Services Properly

Boosting brand awareness through advertising and marketing Introducing a fairly new product to an uninformed audience could be tough at first. It’s difficult to get results from an audience who might not even be interested in your products or services, to begin with. So, how can you work around this? Although it’s easier said than done, the best way to approach ad campaigns is by targeting the audience who already follows you or has shown previous interest. If you’re new to the online scene, try putting some time and effort into a branding campaign before starting a Pay Per Click campaign. It’ll help you drive up brand awareness and bring in better results for whenever you do decide to move forward with an ad campaign.

Using Too Many Keywords

Just because you target more keywords in a PPC Campaign, doesn’t mean you’re going to get better results. In fact, about 88% of the keywords used in a PPC Campaign end up performing badly. This means that cutting out those non-performing keywords can help you save some cash and invest it in your performing categories. Customer surveys are a great way of finding out which keywords to invest in. It’ll give you an idea for new key terms you can test out in the future.

Forgetting to Track Your Ad Campaign’s Results

Statistics are essential if you’re looking to run a successful ad campaign. Learning from your results can help you lower your average cost per click, raise your profits, and gain better brand recognition. Here are some valuable questions that can be answered by tracking Pay Per Click Campaigns:
  • Are your landing pages helping you convert?
  • What areas or cities are the ads most popular in?
  • What times are the most popular to publish your ads?
  • Which targeted keywords should you leave out?
  • Who is clicking on your advertisements (Includes gender, age, etc.)?

Bidding Incorrectly

Believe it or not, bidding incorrectly can ruin your chances of being highlighted in targeted search terms. Remember that the highest ad bids aren’t always taken into consideration – the same goes for low bids. If you bid too low, a competitor who has done their research will outshine you and earn a spot in the ad spaces. Now, if you bid too high, you’ll end up reaching your ad spend a lot faster, cutting down on the number of people you can reach.

Neglecting Your Campaign

Dropping chart values Many Pay Per Click Campaigns fail because owners or administrators are spending too little time on managing their campaign. Instead of checking in on your campaign once a month, try updating it once or twice a week. You’ll be able to leave out underperforming keywords and optimize your campaign as it goes.

Creating Low-Quality or Irrelevant Ads

Some of your main efforts should be focused around creating quality content and landing pages for your ads. You’ll have low results if your landing pages are poorly done or look outdated. Don’t worry if you have to redesign or hire someone to do the work for you, you can always pause your campaign and resume it after the problem is fixed. It’s better for you to earn money from a well-designed campaign than to be losing money because of low-quality efforts.

Focusing On the Wrong Indicators

Although keeping your Cost Per Click (CPL) low is favorable, it’s not always a clear sign of success. Your main focus should be profiting from Pay Per Click ad campaigns in the long run. Over time, you’ll learn what keywords are best for your campaign and what approaches work the best.

Final Thoughts

These are the most common reasons why Pay Per Click Campaigns fail to succeed. Fixing these simple errors can help any business turn their PPC Campaigns around and save the company thousands of dollars. It’ll also help you reap the benefits of Pay Per Click Campaigns the right way. For more information on Pay Per Click Ad Campaigns, contact your KDH Digital Services representative. We’ll fill you in on the strategies you need to take your campaign to the next level.

Social Media
Setting up a list of Social Media Goals is an effective way of identifying where you want to be and how you can obtain your goals. You’ll more than likely find yourself in a world of chaos trying to figure out why your posts aren’t working if you don’t set up some key goals. That’s why the KDH Digital Services team came up with a good amount of doable social media management goals every large and small business should be using. We also went ahead and added an extra treat to help you track your metrics. The following article is full of helpful goals you can set for and follow in your Social Media Campaign:

1. Promote Brand Awareness

via GIPHY Brand Awareness is the main reason why most small businesses use Social Media in the first place. It enables any company barely recognized on the map to reach the online community and create a “Convincing Brand Image”. Social Media management does everything you can’t do by word of mouth or even print.

Average Time Spent on Digital Devices

On average, the regular American spends anywhere from 10 – 11 hours a day interacting on computers, tablets, and smartphones. That automatically opens up plenty of doors for reaching out to potential clients and fans. Now that’s a good reason to focus a little more on the digital than on any other form of advertisement.

Contributing Factors of Brand Awareness

Although some of these factors are dependent on outside factors, it’s always a great idea to focus on increasing the following:
  • Followers/Page Likes – Overall amount of people who are following your Business account on a social media network.
  • Reach – Amount of users a post reaches out to in a day, week, or month.
  • Engagements – Overall number of times users interacted with any of your posts.
  • Likes, Shares, and Mentions – More detailed types of engagements on your posts by users.

How to Track Your Brand Awareness

Every social media management platform has different tools that enable small businesses to keep track of online metrics with just a few clicks. For example, one of the more popular analytical tools we use at KDH Digital Services is the Facebook Insights tools. They enable business account managers to keep tabs on all of the brand awareness contributing factors mentioned before (Followers, Likes, Shares, etc.).

2. Reach the Right Crowd

Two women on their iPhones Make sure you determine which niches you will be targeting before starting or continuing your Social Media Campaign. It’s important to gain brand awareness among the right group of people or you won’t see much of a difference in your conversion rates. It’s better to have 100 engaged users than 10,000 users who just scroll past your posts. Sure, getting as many followers as possible is a good way of boosting exposure, but is it really what you’re looking for? Let’s take a moment to look at some simple steps you can make to target the best audience for your company:

Adjust Your Posts Voice/Tone

Are you trying to reach business professionals or common folks? No matter what, you should always be professional and tailor your posts for your intended audience. You should always make sure your social media posts are appealing to your crowd. Of course, if you’re just beginning to share posts on social media platforms, it might take some trial and error to find the right voice for your business profile. Vice versa, if you’ve been using social media for some time now, you may have already found your voice and tone.

Focus on Keyword Search

Throwing in targeted keywords and hashtags when necessary can significantly boost the number of users a  post reaches while targetting the right crowd. This doesn’t guarantee an increase in likes, shares, and follows, but it certainly boosts your chances of conversion.

Posting Relevant Content

It’s easy to get carried away and post about topics that have nothing to do with your business, but it’s not the right move to make. Although it’s okay to post about the occasional holiday, do your best to tie it to your business. Trust us on this one, off-topic posts should be avoided if you want to avoid spammy followers and irrelevant exposure.

3. Driving Traffic To Your Website

Attracting traffic to your website Don’t forget to give your followers a reason to visit your website! Doing so enables you to share specific information about your company that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can’t do for you. Here are some quick tips that’ll help you reach your social media goals:

Including Important Links

Users love clicking on interesting links that can help them answer any questions they may have about your business. Although you probably shouldn’t include a link in every post you make, you can definitely include some awesome links that will spark some interest in your website. It’s a great way of boosting traffic and getting your website content recognized. Some examples of Important Links include:
  • Articles/Blogs
  • Discounts and Specials
  • Informative Pages
  • Videos/Vlogs

4. Boosting Engagement

Social Media networks are perfect for generating audience engagement. These networks also require less physical effort to respond to any questions and concerns the public may have about your products and services. The great thing is that social media platforms prioritize highly engaging content. This means that if you have viral-worthy content, your business is more likely to blow up on social media. The best way to boost user engagement on your social media management accounts is by creating engaging content. This includes questions and videos people are more likely to respond to.

5. Provide Effective Customer Service

Man and Woman Engaged in Conversation Effective customer service is destined to lead to an increase in revenue, customer satisfaction, and retention. This is because it’s easier for people to ask questions on social media than to go through a long process of contacting a business and being put on hold. Quick and effective responses are a great way of separating your business from the rest of the competition.

How to Provide Effective Customer Service

Although you can’t write a script for everything, it’s a great way of cutting down miscommunication between employees who take care of your customer service. Here are a few things to consider doing:
  • Answers to Important Support Questions – Make sure you always have the answers to frequently asked questions on pricing, services, and other important topics.
  • Response Time – Turning on notifications for your business accounts will help you respond to any customer questions

6. Do Not Cross-Post

Cell Phone with Floating Social Icons We can never stress this one enough. Cross-Posting can have a negative effect across all of your business social media accounts. In short, cutting down on cross-posting in your social media goals will help your business look more professional.

How to Come Up With Unique Content?

Simply put, the best way to come up with unique content is by paying close attention to what your successful competition is doing. Now, we’re not encouraging you to take their ideas, instead build on what they are doing and start your own trends. Another great way to come up with unique content is by brainstorming with a small panel of influencers. This includes anyone in your business or partner company who is up to date with the latest social media trends.

7. Track Your Traffic and Engagements the Right Way

Man on Computer Tracking Analytics Although there are plenty of social media tracking tools out there, you don’t need all of them! For the most part, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest do a pretty good job of providing users with useful analytical tools. For example, Facebook’s Insight tools allow users to keep track of important data such as Page Likes, Posts Engagements, and Post Reach. It also allows you to keep track of how well your past advertisement campaigns went, which can help correct any issues from the past. Getting familiar with these social media marketing tools has helped thousands of companies boost conversion rates and reach their social media goals.

Final Thoughts

As always, we hope this article helped you and your business take a step towards your social media goals. Let us know your thoughts down in the comment section and remember to share this with anyone else who may need it!

Pay Per Click
Pay Per Click Campaigns are essential to entities who are looking to show up in competitive search queries. One thing is for certain, every successful PPC Campaign is well structured, managed regularly, and needs plenty of well-done research. In this article, we’ll be exploring the basics behind Pay Per Click Campaigns and define how PPC advertising works.

What is Pay Per Click?

Pay Per Click is an advertising method on the internet used to generate traffic to websites. Basically, it’s paying for visitors to visit your website or social media accounts.

How is Pay Per Click Done Today?

Today, the most popular way of using Pay Per Click is by going through a large search engine (Google, Bing, etc.) that can make things happen. Second to that method is Social Media Advertising. In the same way, social media platforms (SMPs) like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to post ads that’ll help you target a certain audience and generate leads. Before an ad shows up, online advertisers must take the following steps:
  1. Create a rough draft for the ad
  2. Fix ad settings to target wanted clients and search queries
  3. Submit the ad for review
  4. Get approved
Here’s a picture of a KDH Digital Service ad on Google: KDH Digital Services Ad Campaign on Google Here’s a picture of a KDH Digital Services ad campaign on Facebook: Facebook view of KDH pay per click ads Once your online advertisement is clicked on, search engines and social media platforms recollect a small fee in return. What usually happens is that search engines and SMPs find the best bidders and showcase them at the top of the ad search results. But be careful, you wouldn’t want to spend more than what you make per click. If done correctly, search engines reward advertisers with relevant and intelligently targeted pay-per-click campaigns by charging them less for ad clicks.

Managing Pay-Per-Click Campaign Structure

It’s crucial to understand how to manage your PPC Campaign structure. Setting up an organized keyword structure can significantly lower your advertising costs and increase your performance records. Here is a quick list of the five key elements that affect PPC Campaigns:
  • Ad Campaigns – The Highest level in a PPC Campaign. You can also have many campaigns within ad accounts.
  • Ad Groups – The second-highest level account element. These are similar to categories or sections within a campaign.
  • Ad Keywords – The third-highest level account element. Keywords should always be relevant to the PPC campaign and group they’re assigned to.
  • Ad Wording – The fourth-highest level account element. The wording of your ads should be tailored to appeal towards your targetted audience.
  • Ad Landing pages – The fifth-highest level account element. Landing pages are the deciding conversion factor. Make sure your content is well structured and looks appealing to ALL!

Managing the Best Pay Per Click Campaigns

The best way to manage your new pay per click campaign is by regularly updating your management system. Pay Per Click professionals make sure to adjust the following items to keep campaigns relevant:
  • PPC Keywords – Constantly updating relevant targeted keywords can help reach more potential clients and gain better brand reputation.
  • Negative Keywords – Include keywords you don’t wish to target in order to cut down on campaign costs and improve performance.
  • Landing Pages – Finding better ways to update landing pages will increase your conversion rates.
  • Smaller Ad Groups – Target the right audience with smaller ad groups and more relevant content.
Don’t get discouraged if the start of your PPC campaigns isn’t going so well. You can always get help from digital experts or learn as you grow. Just remember that any web work takes time and patience to become successful. If you’re just getting started on Pay Per Click Campaigns, KDH Digital Services is always ready to help out! Contact us today for pricing and information on our PPC ad Campaigns and other digital services.

Pay Per Click Resources

Here are some great resources that can help you further understand PPC Campaigns: